Battle Droids

Security Battle Droids

For the Star Wars fans, this is not something new. The last time Sideshow created the Battle Droids is the S.T.A.P. and Battle Droid where that figure comes with a detailed S.T.A.P. (Single Trooper Aerial Platform). This time, this collection will comes with 2 battle drois, one is a Factory Fresh version and another is battle damage. You can pre-order this figure at USD 129.99 and it is expected to be available in March 2014. Click here to pre-order the figure; Battle Droid Sixth Scale Figure by Sideshow Collectibles

Battle Droid Scale

Battle Droid Scale

Standing at 12″ tall, this figure is a nice addition to any of your Star Wars collection. Even if you already have your hands on the S.T.A.P version, having this extra 2 will make it looks nice.

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What’s in the Box?

  • Figure Set includes: One ‘Factory Fresh’ Battle Droid and One ‘Battle Damaged’ Veteran Battle Droid
  • Each Battle Droid has a fully articulated body and detailed paint deco
  • Two (2) E-5 Blaster Rifles